visual recipe, chicken fajitas, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel, happy friday, sketchblog

Visual Recipe - Chicken Fajitas

Today’s Visual Recipe is Chicken Fajitas, courtesy I love food…and anyone who knows me.. knows such. I don’t eat much, but I eat often…and I love me some fajitas. Seems that almost any meat and vegetable wrapped in a delight of flour and seasonings is a winner. Universal equation I guess. I think I will try to have or make some fajitas this weekend. It’s healthy, delicious, and puts a big smile on your face… Don’t forget to put a little hot sauce (pepper sauce) if you like it spicy!

Thanks for your recipe Erica! I encourage you all to try it, and have a great weekend.

Link to recipe >>>


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This work by Vernelle Noel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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