Archive for September, 2015


Of course it’s difficult. But it is important, so I will keep doing it, until it becomes easy.

I don’t ascribe to describing something as difficult or easy, since that depends on each person’s own perspective. If I have years of experience or familiarity with an area, it might be easier for me than someone who is completely unfamiliar.

But, my main thought here is that with persistence, determination, and consistent work…10,000 hours… It will become more familiar to you. If it’s important to you, it will eventually become easy.

Have a great day everyone!


Do it!


Have Passion!

Let’s have a great start to a great week!


It’s been one year since I did this piece. Don’t stop. Keep imagining!
And keep doing.


It’s been one year since I posted this. Don’t stop. Keep imagining!
And keep doing.


I think heroes are always there. We may not recognize them at that point in time, but they have always been there. Until that moment when you see them arrives, be your very own hero.  But remember, no one does it alone. When you find your hero, don’t forget to be a hero for someone else too.


Have a great Friday, and an even greater weekend!


I love lines. Oh yes I do!


“Separate the wheat from the bullshit.” – Frank Underwood on House of Cards.

Because you have to be efficient with your resources. Those resources may be your time, your talents, your work, your loved ones, your words, your skills, your hands. Don’t allow others to take what you do, think or feel for granted. Be cautious with the bullshit..


“Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face.” – Oscar Wilde.
This thought while being a scary one, is one I believe to be true. This mask can be physical, electronic/ digital (emails, Facebook posts, YouTube comments, tweets, and more), emotional (the empty smile), or psychological. Let’s all hope that should our masks be lifted by accident or intentionally, that we not scare anyone, or ourselves when we see what we look like in the mirror.