Archive for the ‘New York’ Category

No, I’m not the one flying… I would like to see or sit in a cockpit on day though.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Today I was leaving NY again heading back to work. This building under construction is coming along quickly.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I like accidental photos

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Because the buildings, the sky, the reflections, all beautiful.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Lovely skyline, part of which has been taken away by condos. Ughhh..

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Saw this sign at Zapata’s Tacos.

I have a busy day tomorrow… I am thinking of something new to do with my photos. A new topic, subjects,… If you have any suggestions, please suggest away!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Today I relaxed at home before heading into the city to get my bus back to PA for work on Monday. I was walking quickly to the bus stop so I didn’t get the chance to take too many photos. There is A LOT of construction happening in NY. A LOT! Everywhere it seems something is going up. Next time I will try to get photos of the West 57th Project by BIG.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

It was cold today, and the clouds were spectacular. Look at those City Bikes!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

You see that building in the backdrop? The white residential building on the left…

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

For all high-rises with Penthouses, I always wonder, “Who lives there?” I would love to see what it looks like and experience the views. Mmmm..

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Reflections, clouds, glass and skies.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

The past in the forefront, the modern in the back.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I love the DHL Building, that bright yellow building. I look forward to seeing it. Again, look at the skies.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Construction everywhere!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

My view leaving NY. Gotta love that city!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

When I came home I unpacked, then decided to make some eggs in muffin tins. I loosely followed this recipe. I used sweet peppers, tomatoes, spinach, sharp cheddar cheese, and cilantro instead. I used 4 eggs.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography


vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I also put cilantro on the top before putting them in the oven.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, food, beauty, photography, tasting room, wine, eggs

The eggs when they have finished. Mmmmmm…

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, food, beauty, photography, tasting room, wine, eggs

I decided to rate my wines from the Tasting Room too. There was an order to the tasting. I had to taste the whites first (they had to be chilled), then the reds. In the photo above, I am going to taste and rate the whites.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, food, beauty, photography, tasting room, wine, eggs

Here I am tasting and rating the reds. It was pretty cool.

All in all a cool day. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

vernelle_noel, thinking insomniac, rainy, new york, architect, photo journals

Today was a rainy one. I spend most of my time indoors. :(. I love the photo that I took above.


Look at the sky.


I spent some time watching a marathon session of “The People’s Couch.” This show cracks me up!


I could not stand being at home any longer, so I went by my cousins. Again we would be inside, but at least it was a change of space.


I love the griminess, the life, the geometry, the color, and people in the NY subway. Taking photos of them are always fulfilling to me. The young lady walking toward me, look at her style! Such swag!


At my cousins we ordered food. I can’t remember the name of this place, but that sauce in that container on the upper right is pure heaven. It’s a ginger, mustard, and other stuff I can’t figure out just yet beauty.

Today, was a good one, but I need to get out tomorrow.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Today I worked away from home again, journeying to Arlene’s office, on Broad St.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

The weather was an absolute beauty today. Blue skies!

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

I had to take a photo of the Trump Building. I was watching the news on his meeting with Paul Ryan before leaving the house.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

New York Stock Exchange building

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

I like to look up in New York.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

I took this photo as I sat down to work.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Leaving the office walking to the train station

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

National Museum at the Bowling Green Metro Stop

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

When I got home I saw this. A couple nights ago I read an article on online wine. I thought I would check it out. The website was the Tasting Room, and there was a $6.95 deal for a box of wines. (UPDATE: DO not purchase wines and this deal from this company. If you do, read every single fine print and word on anything you agree too.) DO NOT sign up for this.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Here are my 6 little bottles of wines. As I write this post, I have not as yet opened any of the bottles. I will be sure to share the experience when I open them. My roommate is away, so I may not be able to share these with her unfortunately :(.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

I forgot to mention, my friend went to Singapore a week or two ago, and I asked him to bring me back some kaya butter. I LOOOOOOVE kaya butter!!! It is one of my favorite Singaporean treats. Arlene brought it to the office for me, so soon, I will be in heaven with kaya butter on toast. I thought the package was quite lovely too.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Brown Kaya, and Green Kaya. The brown kaya has caramel in it, while the green kaya has pandan leaves.

Today was another good one. Got work done, spent time outside getting some fresh air and sights. On the way back I went to my cousins and hung out a bit. I was talking with them about my desire to blog again, since I enjoy it so much. Blogging either relaxes me or distracts me. I am not sure which, but they encouraged me to do my Document my Day blogging again since I enjoyed it so much. So I dedicate this blog post and the one before to them.

Let’s see what happens tomorrow. It is supposed to rain. 😥

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Today I wanted to get out the house to work. I messaged my friend Arlene and she suggested Williamsburg. She would be going there to work, so I decided to meet her there. This was my first time in Williamsburg I believe. I met her at a spot and we worked, then we went to get something to eat. We went to “Pies and Thighs” nearby, and the food was great! I didn’t take any photos, next time. Arlene had to leave for a meeting, so I got the food and met her at East River Bar, where the meeting would be. The photo above was taken in front of East River Bar.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Beautiful Sunset

Arlene is my friend and former colleague from MIT. She is the fantastic “mind” behind MindRider. “MindRider is a helmet that tracks, in real time, how your rides, movement, and location engage your mind. The MindRider app maps your engagement, giving you new insight into your riding experience, and providing a unique resource for riding communities and street advocacy.” We ate then her colleagues started showing up for the meeting. Today, Dave, who takes great photos for the project would be taking some photos and I was lucky to be their muse. He took photos of me, Arlene, and another colleague riding bicycles with MindRider helmets on. It was fun!

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

After my shots I took these beautiful shots of the sunset and the Williamsburg Bridge. Isn’t it lovely? After the meeting, it was time for me to go home. On my walk along Broadway, the restaurant at the corner of Broadway and Driggs St. was beautifully lit. Check the photos below.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

View from Broadway

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Look at the detailing and articulation visible with this lighting. Very dramatic!

Today was a great day. I got outside, got work done, spent time with my friend, had a great meal, and got some lovely photos.

Here are some additional links for MindRider. I encourage you to check it out.


A view of St. Patrick's Cathedral


30 Rock



St. Patrick's Cathedral




Interior of Radio City


Radio City interior


They were rehearsing for America’s Got Talent when we were there.




View from Top of The Rock





Day 1. Walking from 9am – 7pm

Today (Sunday) until Tuesday, I will be assisting two professors (James Cooper and Moses Lim) with a walking tour of New York. O M G!! My feet hurt. We were walking from 9am to 7:30pm. I took most of my photos with my camera, just a few with my phone. I am writing this post from my phone (while I rest my feet for tomorrow), so I will use the photos on my phone for this post.


Map and route of walk

This is pretty much the walk and the buildings we would see and talk about. We didn’t do all, but we did most of them. Since I am writing this post from my phone, I am not sure if the captions are showing up. Forgive any repetition if there is any.


One World Trade Center aka Freedom Tower

One World Trade Center aka Freedom Tower



The Woolworth Building

Designed by Cass Gilbert, construction started in 1910 and completed in 1913.


8 Spruce Street

Residential tower designed by Frank Gehry.


A great lunch of meatballs, tomato sauce, burrata, and bread. Delicious!!



I took this pic by accident and liked it.


Flatiron Building

Built in 1902 and designed by Daniel Burnham and Frederick Dinkelberg. I learned about the phrase, 23 skidoo, where during the early 1900s, “groups of men reportedly gathered to watch women walking by have their skirts blown up, revealing legs, which were seldom seen publicly at that time. Local constables, when sometimes telling such groups of men to leave the area, were said to be “giving them the 23 Skidoo.” [Link]


Met Life Tower aka Clock Tower

Built in 1909.



The Empire State Building

Built in 1931, designed by Shreve, Lamb and Harmon. I also learned about the Evelyn McHale story (“the most beautiful suicide”), photographed by Robert Wiles, and appropriated by Andy Warhol.



The Chrysler Building

The Chrysler Building is one of my favourite buildings in NY. Built in 1930, and designed by Van Alen, who was never paid by the client (Chrysler) for his work.


Grand Central Station




Grand Central Station


The RCA Victor Building designed in 1931 by John W. Cross.



The Seagram Building

Designed by Mies Van der Rohe and built in 1958.


Another shot


Sculpture in front Seagram Building


Exterior details on Waldorf Astoria

Photos of the interior are on my camera.
It was a great day! Intense, and fantastic.

Bryant Park, New York

Sketching in Bryant Park… this was my work in progress. It has been completed and I will share it with you soon. Have a great one! Thinking Insomniac