Archive for the ‘Photo Journals’ Category

No, I’m not the one flying… I would like to see or sit in a cockpit on day though.

I sketched my Makerbot yesterday.I have used it in several design projects, design experiments, and even 3D printed little toys for my friends’ kids.

Have a good one! 

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Today I was leaving NY again heading back to work. This building under construction is coming along quickly.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I like accidental photos

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Because the buildings, the sky, the reflections, all beautiful.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Lovely skyline, part of which has been taken away by condos. Ughhh..

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Saw this sign at Zapata’s Tacos.

I have a busy day tomorrow… I am thinking of something new to do with my photos. A new topic, subjects,… If you have any suggestions, please suggest away!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Oh yes! A healthy, filling start to the day.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I was busy indoors all day. Took this photo when I went outside later on for some fresh air.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

It looked like rain, but it blew over

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

After work I went to training. I arrived early.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Training was intense as hell today! There was absolutely no stopping. OMG! I was drenched, and my muscles spent! It was great, but whew! Dang! Exhausting.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I had a hankering for some ice cream, and I think I needed to treat myself to it.

Another productive day in many ways. By tomorrow, if not this weekend, I should be finished with my paper and have it ready to submit! After that, on to the next one.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

You know the usual. Smoothie to go!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I went to work at a coffee shop this morning. I also met an awesome dog named Charlie. She made my day. So darn cute!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Today was warm and beautiful

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Doors of the Schwab Auditorium. I love large, detailed doors. In fact, maybe I will sketch and doodle some doors. I find them so regal. I love a well designed entry and facade.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography


vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Very well designed.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Blue skies

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

There’s a lot of detail to be uncovered in the clouds…

Today was another very productive day. Here’s to tomorrow!

architect, architecture, arduino, blue, cloudy, coffee shop, cognitive engineering, do, dog, fish, food, green, grey, hot chocolate, kaya butter, korean fish, life, lillypad, meaningful work, MIT, photo journal, Photo Journals, photography, rainy, skies, thinking insomniac, trees, vernelle noel, writing, smoothie, judo, judogi, martial arts

The obligatory smoothie started my day today. I also added some yogurt to the mix. Today was a very productive day. Finished somethings on my to-do list. Reached the point of review of my paper, and chose to step away from it for a bit.

architect, architecture, arduino, blue, cloudy, coffee shop, cognitive engineering, do, dog, fish, food, green, grey, hot chocolate, kaya butter, korean fish, life, lillypad, meaningful work, MIT, photo journal, Photo Journals, photography, rainy, skies, thinking insomniac, trees, vernelle noel, writing, smoothie, judo, judogi, martial arts

At work I was testing and prototyping stuff again. This will continue all summer, since research is always about learning as you go along.

architect, architecture, arduino, blue, cloudy, coffee shop, cognitive engineering, do, dog, fish, food, green, grey, hot chocolate, kaya butter, korean fish, life, lillypad, meaningful work, MIT, photo journal, Photo Journals, photography, rainy, skies, thinking insomniac, trees, vernelle noel, writing, smoothie, judo, judogi, martial arts

It was a beautiful day today, so I would go outside for some warmth and fresh air when I felt like it.

architect, architecture, arduino, blue, cloudy, coffee shop, cognitive engineering, do, dog, fish, food, green, grey, hot chocolate, kaya butter, korean fish, life, lillypad, meaningful work, MIT, photo journal, Photo Journals, photography, rainy, skies, thinking insomniac, trees, vernelle noel, writing, smoothie, judo, judogi, martial arts


architect, architecture, arduino, blue, cloudy, coffee shop, cognitive engineering, do, dog, fish, food, green, grey, hot chocolate, kaya butter, korean fish, life, lillypad, meaningful work, MIT, photo journal, Photo Journals, photography, rainy, skies, thinking insomniac, trees, vernelle noel, writing, smoothie, judo, judogi, martial arts

Mmmmm mmm!

architect, architecture, arduino, blue, cloudy, coffee shop, cognitive engineering, do, dog, fish, food, green, grey, hot chocolate, kaya butter, korean fish, life, lillypad, meaningful work, MIT, photo journal, Photo Journals, photography, rainy, skies, thinking insomniac, trees, vernelle noel, writing, smoothie, judo, judogi, martial arts

After work, I had training. Today was intense! Sensei did not allow us to catch our breaths! Matwork, randori, throws, situps, judo pushups, one after the next, after the next. Whew! It was great though. No injuries, so all is well.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Today was a busy one. I didn’t even remember or get the time to take photos until late in the day. Whew! On my way home, I was wondering what to eat for dinner. I was feeling for something smothered in something. I was feeling for fries and something comforting smothering it. A memory of fries smothered in gravy came to my mind, I saw it on tv some time, I think on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (Triple-D) with Guy Fieri. I decided, this what my dinner shall be. I stopped by the grocery and bought frozen fries, and a can of mushroom soup to make an imitation beef stroganoff.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I finally got the time to look up when I got home.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography


vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I baked my fries, and cooked my beef stroganoff…

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Talk about it being just what I needed. It hugged me on the way down…

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

After having my very comforting dinner, I made bananas foster for dessert. Butter, sugar, bananas, lemon juice, pinch of salt to taste, and alcohol. I use rum or wine.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Voila! I usually cut my bananas into small slices. Today is the first time I cooked them as two large halves. I prefer cutting it into smaller slices, the caramelized sugar coats the surfaces of the slices more.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I topped it off with caramel condensed milk. Mmmm…

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Here is a photo of my bananas foster (bananas sliced smaller) and yogurt. This photo was taken in Singapore in 2014.

Aaj bahut vyast tha! Today was a busy one. Looking forward to tomorrow.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

This weekend was rainy. It rained all day and all night. Perfect weather for the couch, the television, food, and friends!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Perfection for indoors.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I met this sweetheart on Sunday. Her name is Autumn and she is a seeing eye dog. A Black Lab. She is soooo strong, so gentle, so attentive. Heaven has to be filled with dogs.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I marinated fish in a Korean BBQ mixture. I did it with chicken and wanted to try it with fish. I marinated them for just under 2 hours, then baked them at 350 until they were cooked. The seasonings really soaked through. Mmmmm! Spicy, tasty, delicious!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

On Sunday I made somewhat of a frittata. Tomatoes, spinach, sweet peppers, cheese, onions, and cilantro. Then I poured beaten eggs over the vegetables and baked.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Before putting in the oven

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

After it was done

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I kept working on my paper this weekend too. I love it. I love writing.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Dinner! Rice (which I cooked with flax seeds – I wanted to experiment), veggies, and my Korean BBQ fish.

Someone asked me for the Koren BBQ recipe, here is the link:


I did not have my smoothie this morning. Didn’t feel like it. I decided that I would go to a coffee shop and work instead of going to my office. I have to get writing done and everyday this week there has been something or another that distract me, and/ or takes me away from my work. Until I finish this paper, I will work elsewhere for the first half of my day. The skies are all blue again today.


Look at it, blue!


They are building two large condominiums in the area. This is one of them.


Trees, sunlight, and shade are wonderful.


This is the coffee shop that I came to work in. It’s a pretty nice spot to work, read, and be entertained.


They are serious about their mugs. You can purchase your own, put your name on it, and leave it there.


Hot chocolate


I got a wrap with spinach, eggs, olive stuff, and some other stuff. I don’t like the texture of wraps, so I just eat what’s inside.


The innards of the wrap. It tasted great.


When I left, the pub next door had this sign outside.


No words…


Old Main


Isn’t this beautiful?






I got to the office and jumped on troubleshooting stuff again. Test code worked, so that’s a good start.




Scanned this book chapter which is very interesting.


When I left, these flowers caught my eyes.


Beauty blowing in the wind.

 Have a great weekend everyone!!!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I was up late last night, later than my usual late. I wanted a bit more sleep this morning but had to head out for another meeting. I made my smoothie as usual this morning.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

Today was absolutely beautiful! Blue skies, green trees!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

Blue skies!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

More blue skies!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

Today was another day of fixing computer issues. I really got very little done. I started initial tests with the Lillypad Arduino.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

Testing.. Not finished as yet. Today, another slight bummer for me. I went to judo to clear my mind and energize my body.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

Post-workout judogi. Training was great tonight!

Happy Friday!!!!