Archive for August, 2012

Day Three of my Singaploration!

Hi all!!!..I have been behind on my posts.. Terribly behind…Not only am I busy at work, but with the time I get in between, I try to see all that I can.. Don’t worry, you will see all that I see, maybe just a little slower than usual… ;-).

It is Day Three of my friend’s stay in Singapore and today we begin at the Ritz Carlton. We “embark on an artistic adventure” at the Ritz which houses 4,200 pieces of artwork and sculptures, valued at $55 million SG. 90% of the art was commissioned for the hotel with about 350 major “museum quality” pieces.

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art


architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Mao figures (2001) by Zhu Wei outside of the hotel..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Brochure and audio to guide you through the exhibit..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Frank Stella – Cornucopia sculpture weighing approximately 3 tonnes

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art


architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Dave Chihuly‘s glass installation – Yellow Persian forms

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Malcolm Morley – Landscape (1990’s)

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

John Rose – Double Screw (1995/6)

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Janis Provisor – Landscape (1990’s)

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

David Hockney – Titled ” “” ” (1994)

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

David Hockney – Untitled (1993)

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

David Hockney – Pushing Up (1994)

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Frank Stella again

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Rainer Gross – Landscape (1995)

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Moby Dick series

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Moby Dick

Sam Francis

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Li Lin Lee – Lucky Life (1990)

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Sam Francis – Untitled

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

We leave the Ritz and try to find a bus tour.. Look at the Marina Bay Sands ahead… Hmmm

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

A look back at the Ritz Carlton.. designed by Irish architect Kevin Roche

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

It is very hot today… sweltering!! So we sit and cool off a bit.. I had a delicious rum and raisin gelato..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Singapore’s beauty and efficiency takes my breath away… If only…

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Singapore Gardens by the Bay. Jubilee Hall across the waters… I have yet to go there…

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Marina Bay Sands.. another view! I really love this building.. It works!

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Soldiers preparing, rehearsing for upcoming National Day celebrations on August 9th.

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Finding a place to buy tickets for a tour bus..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

And we’re on.. I choose to sit atop for photo-ops.. but JEEZ AN AGES!!! The sun is just KILLING ME!!!!

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

I see this and think… “Design & Computation”

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Outskirts of Chinatown…

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art


architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

This place is so beautiful.. it’s no joke.. Look at that!

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

One of my stomping grounds, Clarke Quay..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

I love how they colored this.. It’s now a Police Museum or something like that.. I might be a bit off..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

I wonder what’s going up here…

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

This stood out in the sunlight.. the shadows and geometry was attractive…

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Orchard Road… THE Shopping street in Singapore..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

I don’t need to say what this is again do I?…

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

A nice game of cricket was happening here… And isn’t the backdrop beautiful… The green lawn, trees and…. LOL

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

So after that sweltering bus ride I need food, shelter and something cool. Yikes! So we head to Clark Quay and head to Hooters…

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

It was great! We did ask them to reheat that butter you see there.. Cold melted butter.. no way..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

This is the reverse bungee ride at Clarke Quay… it is fun! I haven’t tried it just yet… maybe if I company I will..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Walking to Chinatown from Clark Quay…

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

I love the food culture here.. everyone is eating! lol..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

View from cross-over bridge down to the street in the Chinatown area..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

View down the steps..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Food street in Chinatown..

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Souvenirs in the shops…

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Yuck! I had this ice kacha I think they call it, but I took the one with durian… Ewwww.. puke! puke! What da hell was this?.. and it has corn!!! What da?!!! Ughhh!

architect, artist, document a day, illustrator, photo journal,  photography, thinking insomniac, vernelle noel,  travel, Singapore, Ritz Carlton, travel, art

Disgusting! I should have had beer…

Every day I am here, I STUDY Singapore.. The country amazes me.. it is a model for other countries and most importantly to me, for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), ESPECIALLY the Caribbean and Trinidad & Tobago. Things work here. Of course nothing is 100% perfect, don’t get me wrong.. but it’s hard to see too many wrongs when so many things work right here.. I speak with Singaporeans to find out about them, their lives here, what they like and don’t like about Singapore.. It’s so good to hear some of the things I have. This country started with a VISION.. and it continues to work on that vision. Vision, Planning and Execution! I dream that maybe one day I may have the opportunity to try to implement such in the Caribbean and my home country.. We are soo similar to Singapore in terms of our multi-culturalism, climate, and can be as awesome as Singapore I think.. I wish! Maybe I will dream about my vision for T&T… Everyday I grow more and more passionate about my vision for T&T..

Happy Friday everyone!!!

Creative Commons License
This work by Vernelle Noel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.