Archive for November, 2012


Looking for designers to interview…

So.. I have been working on fleshing out my thesis proposal this semester… It’s quite an exercise which makes you think in squares, circles, and triangles. From choosing your thesis advisor and readers, to deciding on your topic, what you want to focus on now, for the next few years, what you want to do after your studies, what you want to do for the rest of your life, if you want to go into academia, the industry, whether you want to save the world, and if you have the time to do want you want… and the truth is, there will never be enough time.. I have to keep reminding myself that I should focus on “the” specific problem I am trying to solve and be clear on my contribution. I cannot save the world with one thesis…

My thesis proposal is due less than 4 weeks. My particular interest is in Design & Computation as it relates to culture and wearables/ architecture of the body –  I am working on the exact term that succinctly describes my proposed work.. There is much for me to flesh out, it is a work in progress. The context in which I would like to apply my research is in the design and production of “wearables” such as costumes and dancing mobiles. My specific context will be that of Carnival, Trinidad Carnival to be exact. This will be my specific context or case study.

Are there any designers in the costume/ fashion/ wearable industry who would like to be interviewed? I have a keen interest in the intersection between design, computation, and fabrication as it relates to Carnival. If you would like to be interviewed, or know of a designer – that person can be a fashion designer, a designer of wearables as artistic, social, or cultural objects, or designers in the Carnival industry – please contact me. I would love to interview you.

Wire-benders, costume designers and makers, those in the computational and wearable industry, etc… Contact me.

You can email me at: or

Have a GREAT week all!!!

Creative Commons License
This work by Vernelle Noel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.