I did not have my smoothie this morning. Didn’t feel like it. I decided that I would go to a coffee shop and work instead of going to my office. I have to get writing done and everyday this week there has been something or another that distract me, and/ or takes me away from my work. Until I finish this paper, I will work elsewhere for the first half of my day. The skies are all blue again today.


Look at it, blue!


They are building two large condominiums in the area. This is one of them.


Trees, sunlight, and shade are wonderful.


This is the coffee shop that I came to work in. It’s a pretty nice spot to work, read, and be entertained.


They are serious about their mugs. You can purchase your own, put your name on it, and leave it there.


Hot chocolate


I got a wrap with spinach, eggs, olive stuff, and some other stuff. I don’t like the texture of wraps, so I just eat what’s inside.


The innards of the wrap. It tasted great.


When I left, the pub next door had this sign outside.


No words…


Old Main


Isn’t this beautiful?






I got to the office and jumped on troubleshooting stuff again. Test code worked, so that’s a good start.




Scanned this book chapter which is very interesting.


When I left, these flowers caught my eyes.


Beauty blowing in the wind.

 Have a great weekend everyone!!!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I was up late last night, later than my usual late. I wanted a bit more sleep this morning but had to head out for another meeting. I made my smoothie as usual this morning.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

Today was absolutely beautiful! Blue skies, green trees!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

Blue skies!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

More blue skies!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

Today was another day of fixing computer issues. I really got very little done. I started initial tests with the Lillypad Arduino.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

Testing.. Not finished as yet. Today, another slight bummer for me. I went to judo to clear my mind and energize my body.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, blue skies, cloudless, photography

Post-workout judogi. Training was great tonight!

Happy Friday!!!!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography, fruits, flax seeds, chia seeds, kale, papaya

The smoothie start. Today I put papaya in my smoothie too, no kiwi.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography, clouds, grey, trees

Today is a cold, grey, and cloudy one.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography, presentation, anonchitect

My friend Shiva defended his Masters thesis today. He did such an awesome job! Here is some of the work that he did. Check out anonchitect.com. Keep up the great work and I look forward to more from you Shiva!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography, anonchitect

Another shot of his presentation

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography, presentation

My other friend Dhaval also defended his Masters thesis. He looked into designing for earthquake resistant buildings and the use of recycled plastics in the process. Keep up the great work Dhaval! I am looking forward to seeing a lot more from you.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography, computers

I spent a lot of time again today dealing with computer stuff. All the issues are still not finished and resolved, tomorrow will be another day.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography, processing, arduino

These are just two of the programs I will be using this summer, Arduino and Processing.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

When I got home I had dinner and relaxed a bit. After resting I made sure to watch The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. It’s my 11pm thing. Jason Sudeikis was on tonight. He’s great!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Writing, editing, thinking, writing, thinking, and editing.

I got work done tonight so I feel very good! Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

My morning started with my fruit smoothie. This smoothie was made with banana, apple, carrots, frozen strawberries, kale, frozen kiwi, flax and chia seeds, and white grape juice as my liquid.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Colorful fruits and veggies = Healthy food!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography


vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Flax and chia seeds seen at the bottom. I haven’t as yet put in the juice, this was some water.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I was running late, so I had to put my smoothie to-go in my mason jar. It doesn’t look good, but it tastes delish!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Today was another unproductive one. You know those days where you are busy, trying to get things fixed and in the end you have nothing to show for it? Yup! That was today. Windows 10 is not working properly with my Kinect &*$%*@!!. I went to IT to get help, and of course, they were unable to help me. I may have to drop it off so someone can have a look at it, OR, I will reformat my computer and install Windows 8. Such b-s. If you guys have any advice on this, I welcome it.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography, judo, martial arts

After getting little done today, I left. Working out de-clutters my mind and keeps me focused, it also helps me release. So I packed my judo gi and headed off to training. Having some time to think of everything BUT work, and all the minutiae that comes along with it, is always a good thing. Tomorrow is another day. Side point, I took up judo again. I started in September of last year I believe. I am a martial artist, and taekwondo is my thing! I absolutely love it! I received my black belt in 2006. In 2014, I noticed something. In my mind I was moving extremely fast, but in reality my legs were not. Also, high impact strikes were affecting my knees more. I decided to do judo.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Leaving judo, look at those ominous clouds, but still beautiful.

Today wasn’t very productive, and I feel it will be the same tomorrow because of meetings and presentations I have to attend… So maybe next Monday? LOL

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Today started with my fruit smoothie. Flax seeds, chia seeds, bananas, apples, lychee, kiwi, and white grape juice. I think that was it.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Bulleted and ready to drink. Today is my first day putting flax seeds and chia seeds in my smoothie. It added a gelatin texture to the mix.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I had a meeting first thing this morning for a new research project that I will be working on. Good meeting.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

My first item will be reading these two papers.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I took a photo of this staircase because I was running up and down it way too much today. Administrative matters took up too much of my time today, but that’s Mondays for ya. Hopefully I actually get work done tomorrow.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

My desk. I organized my desk, my to-do list, and my mind so that I can hit the ground running tomorrow. Side note, Bing, has some of the most beautiful desktops.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I collected books I reserved from the library too. This is not even 10% of the stuff I have to read.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

After preparing for tomorrow, I left. It was an absolutely beautiful day today. Just beautiful! Look at those trees! Look at the sky!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Green trees, blue skies, white clouds, red buildings. Beautiful!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I had to look up and take this one. Just amazing!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Schwab Building

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I love the entry

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I bought notebooks. I will use these to write my jottings and thoughts from and for my readings, projects, and papers that I have to work on this summer.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

When I got home I opened one of my jars of kaya butter.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Look at that beauty.. Will you marry me? So good.. sooo good..

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Today I relaxed at home before heading into the city to get my bus back to PA for work on Monday. I was walking quickly to the bus stop so I didn’t get the chance to take too many photos. There is A LOT of construction happening in NY. A LOT! Everywhere it seems something is going up. Next time I will try to get photos of the West 57th Project by BIG.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

It was cold today, and the clouds were spectacular. Look at those City Bikes!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

You see that building in the backdrop? The white residential building on the left…

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

For all high-rises with Penthouses, I always wonder, “Who lives there?” I would love to see what it looks like and experience the views. Mmmm..

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Reflections, clouds, glass and skies.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

The past in the forefront, the modern in the back.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I love the DHL Building, that bright yellow building. I look forward to seeing it. Again, look at the skies.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Construction everywhere!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

My view leaving NY. Gotta love that city!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

When I came home I unpacked, then decided to make some eggs in muffin tins. I loosely followed this recipe. I used sweet peppers, tomatoes, spinach, sharp cheddar cheese, and cilantro instead. I used 4 eggs.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography


vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, manhattan, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I also put cilantro on the top before putting them in the oven.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, food, beauty, photography, tasting room, wine, eggs

The eggs when they have finished. Mmmmmm…

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, food, beauty, photography, tasting room, wine, eggs

I decided to rate my wines from the Tasting Room too. There was an order to the tasting. I had to taste the whites first (they had to be chilled), then the reds. In the photo above, I am going to taste and rate the whites.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, food, beauty, photography, tasting room, wine, eggs

Here I am tasting and rating the reds. It was pretty cool.

All in all a cool day. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

My day started with some uncertainty. I wanted to be outside and I wanted to go see a movie. I went online and bought tickets for Captain America: Civil War 3D. My friend (Arlene) also messaged me and we met downtown. You know I love the subways, look at the lines, the perspective…so powerful!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

More of those sweet, black lines of the structure

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I would be meeting Arlene and Chris on Fulton Street.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

After getting some things and walking around some, we went to this place, Yaso Tangbao. It was my first time there. When I met my friends they told me about this delicious dumpling spot that they went to earlier, so I wanted to check it out.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

This was N1 on the menu, I think it was a braised beef soup. It was delicious. The noodles were perfectly al dente, and the soup tasty. I was more concerned with our conversation than the meal, but the meal was still great. The service was good too.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

Chris had these pork baos with black sesame seeds on top of them. They too were good.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

One of the walls in the restaurant. I liked the brick and wood juxtaposition. A clean, and modern interior. After our meals, snacks, and great conversations, we were on our way.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

On our walk along Fulton, my friend stopped this guy to tell him how much she loved his apron. He was happy to hear it, and even told them they can take a photo with him. A lovely guy with a lovely apron. He just might be the best belt man in Brooklyn. We walked around some more then went over to Arlene’s to chill, until I would leave for my movie.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I love to see scaffolding, especially, well installed scaffolding. I feel like I am in a forest of steel. I almost always take photos of narrow scaffolded spaces.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

We saw this cool helluva car along the street too. Quite a beauty!

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I got to my friends’ place and we relaxed. We watched Empire. I know about the TV show, but I have never watched it. My friend loves it so I was happy to watch an episode. It was great! I think I might need to Netflix it. Great acting, great music, great style, beautiful people!! I might have to put that on my to-do list for the summer. I didn’t want to be late for my movie, so I had to leave during the second episode we were watching.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

34th Street

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

I was running late and had to put wheels on my heels so that I would not miss too much.

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

While rushing ahead, I looked back and saw this beautiful sunset reflecting on the buildings…  No matter how fast you rush ahead, it is always good to look behind every now and again. 🙂

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography


vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

More sunset…

vernelle noel, thinking insomniac, photos, photo journal, new york, architecture, food, beauty, photography

The opening of Captain America: Civil War. The movie was fantastic, and I can’t wait for Black Panther!

Today was a good day. I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow, since I am heading back to work on Monday. Ughhh!!!


vernelle_noel, thinking insomniac, rainy, new york, architect, photo journals

Today was a rainy one. I spend most of my time indoors. :(. I love the photo that I took above.


Look at the sky.


I spent some time watching a marathon session of “The People’s Couch.” This show cracks me up!


I could not stand being at home any longer, so I went by my cousins. Again we would be inside, but at least it was a change of space.


I love the griminess, the life, the geometry, the color, and people in the NY subway. Taking photos of them are always fulfilling to me. The young lady walking toward me, look at her style! Such swag!


At my cousins we ordered food. I can’t remember the name of this place, but that sauce in that container on the upper right is pure heaven. It’s a ginger, mustard, and other stuff I can’t figure out just yet beauty.

Today, was a good one, but I need to get out tomorrow.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Today I worked away from home again, journeying to Arlene’s office, on Broad St.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

The weather was an absolute beauty today. Blue skies!

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I had to take a photo of the Trump Building. I was watching the news on his meeting with Paul Ryan before leaving the house.

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vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

New York Stock Exchange building

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

I like to look up in New York.

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vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

I took this photo as I sat down to work.

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Leaving the office walking to the train station

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National Museum at the Bowling Green Metro Stop

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

When I got home I saw this. A couple nights ago I read an article on online wine. I thought I would check it out. The website was the Tasting Room, and there was a $6.95 deal for a box of wines. (UPDATE: DO not purchase wines and this deal from this company. If you do, read every single fine print and word on anything you agree too.) DO NOT sign up for this.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Here are my 6 little bottles of wines. As I write this post, I have not as yet opened any of the bottles. I will be sure to share the experience when I open them. My roommate is away, so I may not be able to share these with her unfortunately :(.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

I forgot to mention, my friend went to Singapore a week or two ago, and I asked him to bring me back some kaya butter. I LOOOOOOVE kaya butter!!! It is one of my favorite Singaporean treats. Arlene brought it to the office for me, so soon, I will be in heaven with kaya butter on toast. I thought the package was quite lovely too.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Brown Kaya, and Green Kaya. The brown kaya has caramel in it, while the green kaya has pandan leaves.

Today was another good one. Got work done, spent time outside getting some fresh air and sights. On the way back I went to my cousins and hung out a bit. I was talking with them about my desire to blog again, since I enjoy it so much. Blogging either relaxes me or distracts me. I am not sure which, but they encouraged me to do my Document my Day blogging again since I enjoyed it so much. So I dedicate this blog post and the one before to them.

Let’s see what happens tomorrow. It is supposed to rain. 😥

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Today I wanted to get out the house to work. I messaged my friend Arlene and she suggested Williamsburg. She would be going there to work, so I decided to meet her there. This was my first time in Williamsburg I believe. I met her at a spot and we worked, then we went to get something to eat. We went to “Pies and Thighs” nearby, and the food was great! I didn’t take any photos, next time. Arlene had to leave for a meeting, so I got the food and met her at East River Bar, where the meeting would be. The photo above was taken in front of East River Bar.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Beautiful Sunset

Arlene is my friend and former colleague from MIT. She is the fantastic “mind” behind MindRider. “MindRider is a helmet that tracks, in real time, how your rides, movement, and location engage your mind. The MindRider app maps your engagement, giving you new insight into your riding experience, and providing a unique resource for riding communities and street advocacy.” We ate then her colleagues started showing up for the meeting. Today, Dave, who takes great photos for the project would be taking some photos and I was lucky to be their muse. He took photos of me, Arlene, and another colleague riding bicycles with MindRider helmets on. It was fun!

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

After my shots I took these beautiful shots of the sunset and the Williamsburg Bridge. Isn’t it lovely? After the meeting, it was time for me to go home. On my walk along Broadway, the restaurant at the corner of Broadway and Driggs St. was beautifully lit. Check the photos below.

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

View from Broadway

vernelle noel, architecture, MIT, new york, williamsburg, beautiful, thinking insomniac

Look at the detailing and articulation visible with this lighting. Very dramatic!

Today was a great day. I got outside, got work done, spent time with my friend, had a great meal, and got some lovely photos.

Here are some additional links for MindRider. I encourage you to check it out.


